Driver Killed In Rollover Crash In Columbia

A car accident is always a scary situation, especially if your vehicle rolls over. Rollovers are caused by a huge impact, and this impact can kill those inside the vehicle.
Sadly, this was recently the case in Columbia. A driver died after their vehicle rolled over just before noon on January 5 on Interstate 20.
A Honda Accord was traveling on eastbound Interstate 20, near the Wilson Boulevard exit, when it veered to the left. The Honda then hit the median barrier wall, causing it to overturn.
The driver was the sole occupant of the vehicle. The unidentified driver died in the crash. No other vehicles were involved.
Causes of Rollovers
A rollover occurs when the vehicle tips or flips over onto its side or roof. Rollover crashes are dangerous. While they don’t occur often (roughly 3% of the time), they cause roughly 35% of fatalities. Sadly, the majority of those killed in these catastrophic accidents were not wearing seat belts.
Any vehicle is subject to roll over, although SUVs and trucks are more likely to do so due to their high center of gravity and narrower track widths. Additionally, SUVs and trucks and are more likely than other vehicles to be driven on rural roads, which is where most rollovers occur.
Rollovers can occur in various ways, including the following:
- The vehicle trips over an object (such as a curb, uneven pavement, or guardrail), causing it to tip over.
- The vehicle rolls down an embankment.
- The vehicle turns or goes around a curve too quickly.
- The vehicle is hit in the side from another vehicle.
Some factors that may contribute to rollover crashes include:
- Distracted driving
- Inattention
- Fatigue or drowsiness
- Intoxication by alcohol or drugs
- Oversteering
- Improperly loaded or overloaded cargo
- Lack of familiarity with the road
- Lack of driving experience
Other factors include:
- Fatal rollover accidents tend to be speed-related. Most rollovers occur when the vehicle exceeds 55 miles per hour.
- Nearly 75% of rollovers happen in rural areas, most likely due to speeding and aggressive driving.
- Road conditions. Bad weather, construction, and debris can make rollovers more likely to occur. Poor road maintenance may also be a factor.
- Distracted Driver. Most rollovers occur when a driver is engaging in routine driving, such as going straight or around curves, which suggests that driver behavior such as distracted driving may be to blame in many cases.
Contact Us Today
Rollover crashes can have serious, and sometimes deadly, consequences. Sadly, due to the force of the impact, drivers and passengers are very often seriously injured.
The Columbia car accident lawyers at Simmons Law Firm can assist you with your case. We have more than 30 years of experience successfully handling car accidents. Fill out the online form or call (803) 779-4600 to schedule a free consultation.