1 Killed, 7 Injured in Multi-Vehicle Crash

Car accidents can range from minor to deadly. They may involve one vehicle or many cars. A recent crash in Columbia has involved six vehicles, with one person tragically killed and seven others injured and requiring hospitalization.
The fatal accident occurred on the afternoon of November 30 at Parklane Road and Crestbrook Road in northeast Columbia. The crash happened when just one vehicle crashed into multiple cars traveling east on Parklane Road.
The cause of the crash is unknown. The South Carolina Highway Patrol is still investigating the accident.
Causes of Multi-Vehicle Accidents
Most car crashes involve just two vehicles, but there are some that involve three or more vehicles. These are called multi-vehicle accidents and they can be very serious or even fatal.
Multi-vehicle crashes often occur on freeways and other busy roads where there is a lot of traffic. While some of the accidents may happen at low speeds, such as in a traffic jam where a chain-reaction crash occurs when someone does not hit their brakes in time, often they occur at high speeds. These high-speed crashes can be especially dangerous due to the impact involved.
Most car accidents are caused by human error, and multi-vehicle crashes are no exception. The most common causes include the following:
- Weather conditions. Snow, rain, and ice can cause slippery roads, which can reduce traction and make accidents more likely to occur. Fog can reduce visibility and make drivers more likely to hit something.
- The faster someone drives, the harder it is to slow down safely. This can lead to losing control of a vehicle or a rear-end accident.
- If a driver is overly tired, they may fall asleep behind the wheel. This can cause their car to collide with other vehicles or even go off the road.
Contact Us Today
When drivers get behind the wheel, they need to be mindful of where they are going and what they are doing at all times.
If you or a family member have been in an accident involving one or more vehicles, you may be seriously injured and eligible to recover damages, including medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Count on the Columbia car accident lawyers at Simmons Law Firm to investigate your case and seek the compensation you deserve under the law. We have more than 30 years of experience in this field. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (803) 779-4600 or filling out the online form.